Sunday, July 5, 2009

Acne Prevention

Acne and the chance of scarring, is reduce if you can keep the inflammation breakouts to a minimum as much as possible. By developing a daily care routine you can help reduce the breakouts from happening. Using twice daily a Pore Cleaner will help prevent the oils from building up with a product that contains sulfur, resorcinol benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid and a Pore Cleanser to deep clean the skin. Don’t be afraid of trying a few different acne treatment products, some work differently on different people. As you’ve heard before do not pick or squeeze you’re pimples, it will only force the infection deeper spreading it to other tissue. This will worsen the infection and creates more inflammation. You could also leave scaring by picking and squeezing. Let the scabs heal properly and again do not pick or it will also leave scares, prolonging the healing process. You may need to consult with a dermatologist for the use of a topical or oral antibiotics and even hormonal medications like oral contraceptives to help keep your acne under control.

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